Social Brands 8: from CSR to civic marketing | 07 August 2013, 12:55PM |  Society increasingly expects brands to give back at least as much as they take. As a result, CSR is moving higher up the executive agenda, but many companies still think of CSR in terms of corporate philanthropy. While this thinking is more constructive than the mere guilt avoidance that characterised too much CSR in the 1980s, it misses a much bigger opportunity. Brands that get CSR right don't think of it in terms of obligation; they see it as a real opportunity to build mutual value for their brands and their communities.
| | | | | Why ad skipping is the future of digital advertising | 07 August 2013, 10:50AM | Skipping ads online is undoubtedly a common activity now. Since 2010 when YouTube first introduced the option, consumers have grown accustomed to being able to click past ads they don't wish to see after just five seconds.
| | | Infographic: what annoys us most about your brand on social media? | 06 August 2013, 11:11AM | Are we a nation of pedants? The answer is most resoundingly yes, at least if you go by this piece of research into what annoys people most about brands on social media. Post 300 updates every day shamelessly begging people to buy your wares? Apparently that’s way less annoying than one or two pithy updates but making a typo or, God forbid, a grammar mistake.
| | | Nielsen finds that Twitter engagement boosts television viewing | 06 August 2013, 10:50AM | A study by Nielsen and Twitter has revealed what many of us have long suspected - that Twitter discussion about a television programme being broadcast boosts viewing figures. Twitter and Nielsen came together last year to establish a social TV metric, and the results are now starting to come out. The study is far from conclusive, but does provide a basis for optimism for broadcasters, advertisers, and the microblogging platform itself.
| | | Facebook video ads: look who's watching now | 06 August 2013, 8:25AM | When Facebook-owned Instagram revealed its Video platform in June, some sharp observers instantly noted how convenient it was that the clip length was set at 15 seconds - an established ad-length in the TV world.
| | | Retailers must switch on to the discovery channel | 06 August 2013, 8:05AM | Two thousand years ago, Romans would make a shopping list by scratching the name of items they needed into a thin layer of wax on a wooden tablet. Today, it's a new generation of tablets that are playing an increasingly vital role in the retail journey, reviving a retail pattern that has long dominated the offline shopping experience - discovery shopping!
| | | | | There's a time and a place for hashtags | 05 August 2013, 2:24PM | We are in the midst of a 'hashtag' invasion. So ubiquitous has the crosshatched symbol become, we've started to use it in everyday speech, in popular culture, and across multiple social channels.
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