Tuesday, 2 July 2013

The Wall > Grow with Twitter conference: the take outs

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Grow with Twitter conference: the take outs
02 July 2013, 12:22PM

twitter-bird-blue-on-whiteTwitter held their UK agency launch, 'Grow with Twitter', last Tuesday at the London Film Museum. A really slick event at a great venue with plenty of inspirational speakers, it was interesting to hear what they had to say about advertising on the platform.

'Awkward shake' - a viral that's gone viral and is still relevant to the brand
02 July 2013, 11:20AM

awkward shake

For Goodness Shakes is a protein shake whose brand proposition is that instead of you having to do the hard work to dissolve the protein powder, it's already been done for you.

How Cannes could have taken innovation further
02 July 2013, 10:15AM

cokecanMy heart sang when I heard that the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity was introducing an innovation category, and that it was awarding real projects rather than just prototypes.

As Harvard Business School's Theodore Levitt said "creativity as it's commonly defined?the ability to come up with brilliantly novel ideas?can actually be destructive to businesses. By failing to take into account practical matters of implementation, big thinkers can inspire organisational cultures dedicated to abstract chatter rather than purposeful action. In such cultures, innovation never happens?because people are always talking about it but never doing it."

A new way for virtual fans to connect with brands in the real world
01 July 2013, 2:04PM

Facebook fan-gateIf you're a business with lots of Facebook fans that you'd like to entice into your premises, this idea might be of interest: a way of linking loyalty cards with customers' Facebook accounts, and identifying them when they're on site.

Dog Digital launch Facebook apps for T in the Park
01 July 2013, 9:44AM

Music FestivalWhile many people are still recovering from Glastonbury this weekend, at Dog Digital they’re ready and raring to go to Scottish festival, T in the Park. In fact, they are so excited about the festival that they’ve launched not just one, but two, Facebook applications to celebrate the festival.

Say hello to simple and seamless display advertising
01 July 2013, 9:36AM

seamless advertisingWhat was that age-old saying? Too many cooks spoil the broth. For many, this sage proverb sums up one of the greatest challenges faced in the display advertising industry today. In the past, the process of getting an online advert in front of a consumer has always been a people process. Yet, as the maxim warns us, the more people involved in a system, the more complex it becomes. When a single advert has to be run through a stack of people from the advertiser, to the media planner, to the publisher, inconsistency is bound to plague a campaign.

Marketing lessons from psychopaths
28 June 2013, 10:30AM

psychopath booksLike millions of you, I've been reading about the psychopaths in our midst. A slew of books posit the theory that roughly one in every 100 of us scores extremely highly in diagnostic checklists of certain personality traits - highly enough to be identified as a card-carrying psychopath.

Metro MD Linda Grant reveals how newspapers benefit from Twitter
28 June 2013, 9:20AM

metro mastheadWe are probably all familiar with enhancing our television viewing experience by watching what people are saying about it on Twitter at the same time - and broadcasters now harness this habit for benefit. But newspapers are also getting in on the act. Linda Grant, managing director of UK-wide morning freesheet Metro, has said that they use Twitter to find out what readers are thinking, and that it contributes to the bottom line.

Planes, trains and automobiles: how tech is changing travel
28 June 2013, 9:11AM

clip air

Our colleagues travelled back from Cannes with horror stories of delays and passport control. But what if they (and you) didn't have the ubiquitous travel gripes?

ClipAir in Switzerland envisages a hassle-free world where you get on your train to the airport and then on arrival they just clip/unclip your carriage to the underside of a plane (pictured). By thinking about the relative ease of trains for transporting both goods and passengers, they've created a potentially game-changing new concept.

Is the cookie uproar just a storm in a tea cup?
28 June 2013, 9:10AM

cookiesFrom brands to retailers to publishers, online marketers have gone from denial to acceptance as they face up to the slow demise of the cookie. Yet the reality is it is a good thing. Cookie-based marketing is an incredibly blunt tool in a time when finesse is required - and one that consumers increasingly resist.

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