Sunday, 7 June 2015

Some of this week's most read features and opinions: Lauren Laverne, Sir John Hegarty, Amir Kassaei

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Laverne: from pop star to start-up
04 June 2015, 08:00AM
Laverne: from pop star to start-up
The singer turned broadcaster is now a digital entrepreneur. But the site she has launched with Sam Baker is no celebrity vanity project, Maisie McCabe discovers.
Hegarty on... Soho, sacrifice and the secret of life
by Kate Magee,
04 June 2015, 08:00AM
Hegarty on... Soho, sacrifice and the secret of life
A fair bit has changed since Sir John Hegarty started out in the business, but the spiritual home of UK advertising and birthplace of BBH remains the source of his creative inspiration, he tells Kate Magee.
Everyone doing everything is really a zero-sum game
by Claire Beale,
04 June 2015, 08:00AM
Everyone doing everything is really a zero-sum game
A view from Dave Trott
by Dave Trott,
04 June 2015, 08:00AM
A view from Dave Trott
The revolution will not be digitised
04 June 2015, 08:00AM
The revolution will not be digitised
Our industry must stop falling for phoney ideas that only look good to awards juries and remember that great behaviour-changing solutions arrive when they are based on a relevant truth, Amir Kassaei says.
Candid candidate
04 June 2015, 08:00AM
Candid candidate
Ivan Massow's London mayoral campaign ad has attracted 500,000 views online. James Swift meets a politician who knows the value of an attention-grabbing viral.
Who pays for news media continues to divide opinion
by Arif Durrani,
04 June 2015, 08:00AM
Who pays for news media continues to divide opinion
The "sources of news have become narrower" and the rise of native advertising is "exaggerating and intensifying a problem that is serious and shouldn't even exist in the first place". Just when I thought everyone with an opinion had been heard with r...
Does self-regulation of online ads work?
04 June 2015, 08:00AM
Does self-regulation of online ads work?
Fifa storm puts brands' pure intentions to the test
by Maisie McCabe,
04 June 2015, 08:00AM
Fifa storm puts brands' pure intentions to the test
The end of the magazine business as we know it
by Arif Durrani,
04 June 2015, 08:00AM
The end of the magazine business as we know it
Magazine publishers finally feel optimistic and see growth on the horizon, as the PPA Festival showed. By Arif Durrani.
Why we're loving: Trevor de Silva, freelance creative
04 June 2015, 08:00AM
Why we're loving: Trevor de Silva, freelance creative
Will Spotify's video offering be a success?
by Arif Durrani,
04 June 2015, 08:00AM
Will Spotify's video offering be a success?
Can the company challenge the likes of YouTube and take a share of the lucrative video ad market, Arif Durrani asks.
Private view: Darren Bailes and Mark Hunter
04 June 2015, 08:00AM
Private view: Darren Bailes and Mark Hunter
Things we like: BGT high, FA Cup, Radio Times TV Festival
04 June 2015, 08:00AM
Things we like: BGT high, FA Cup, Radio Times TV Festival
Some things in the media business we liked in the week up to 5 June, and one thing we didn't...
History of advertising: No 135: The first creative hotshop
04 June 2015, 08:00AM
History of advertising: No 135: The first creative hotshop
The effectiveness of content marketing uncovered
by Arif Durrani,
03 June 2015, 01:00PM
The effectiveness of content marketing uncovered
People are more likely to share content on social media if it has a practical value, and data is now proving content marketing is a highly effective way for marketers to engage consumers, according to new research compiled by the Content Marketing As...
Who needs an ad agency?
by Kate Magee,
28 May 2015, 08:00AM
Who needs an ad agency?
Giffgaff's unconventional collaborative ethos is being extended to its advertising arrangements, Kate Magee discovers.
At least these guys are beach body ready
07 May 2015, 08:00AM
At least these guys are beach body ready

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