|  | | | | | Kate Magee meets Guy Wieynk, the former AKQA executive now charged with turning around a heritage ad brand. | | | | | | One IPA president of recent years told me the best strategy for making an impact in the presidential role was to do very little for the first 18 months and then make a lot of noise for the last six: "That's all anyone will remember, anyway." | | | | | | For most of us this famous picture represents the two sides of Britain. | | | | | | Adland gets regular flak for lacking sufficient ethnic diversity in its workforce and giving women a raw deal. But Dave Buonaguidi's claim that it is also institutionally homophobic is new to the charge sheet. It is, after all, 17 years since Ogilvy ... | | | | | | In pursuing effectiveness, brands and agencies often disconnect creativity from the process - and marketing testing and measurement tools are partly to blame. This divide must be bridged, Wendy Clark argues in the third of our series on creative effe... | | | | | | 101's Laurence Green explains why political advertising has lost its creative power. | | | | | | In a continuation of a trend that has been gaining momentum for the past three years, Havas' robust update to its Meaningful Brands study this week suggests marketers who ignore the value of how brands impact personal well-being really are missing a ... | | | | | | In a crowded market, will the channel - with its male-focused shows and hit dramas - succeed, Gurjit Degun asks. | | | | | | | What does it take to become an effective agency chief executive and win the respect of the wider business community? Suki Thompson explores. | | | | | | | | Our industry is suffering from an error of interpretation about technology. It has led to a focus on distribution instead of production, with the advent of the internet mistakenly becoming the beginning of time. By Giles Hedger. | | | | | | Grazia and Kiss get involved with politics, and Bauer's own study highlights millennials' key role. Krissie Ford reports. | | | | | | The rich data now being generated by mobile devices is taking location marketing to a whole new level, Nigel Clarkson says. | | | | | | Constraints can actually stimulate - rather than hinder - a brand and make a big impact, Adam Morgan writes. | | | | | | | |
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