Tuesday, 1 April 2014

The Wall > Nokia and Centrefold: an unlikely coupling?

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Nokia and Centrefold: an unlikely coupling?
01 April 2014, 1:32PM

Centrefold Nokia LumiaIn this day and age, the union of cutting-edge digital technology with a large-format photojournalism print product shouldn't work. But in the case of Nokia and Centrefold it absolutely did.

Andrew Hobbs is the founder and editor of poster-sized publication Centrefold, which showcases established and emerging artists in the fashion, art and design industries. He approached Nokia about collaborating on its 10th anniversary issue last year. The result was nine international photographers commissioned to shoot a complete issue of the magazine, cover to cover, exclusively on the Nokia Lumia 1020, which has a 41 megapixel camera, to the theme of 'beyond'.

Six tips for minimising the legal risks of social media
01 April 2014, 12:44PM

SMS at 20: Texting has become a way of life, particularly for children and teenagersAs we move into a world where branded social media channels are no longer seen as experimental marketing channels, but essential communications tools, it's important for businesses to be mindful of the risks they face in this area.

Myth busters: marketing automation
01 April 2014, 11:20AM

Tips for Public Relations professionals dealing with technology journalistsMyth (noun). a widely held but false belief or idea.

When it comes to technology, myths can easily arise due to a lack of knowledge and understanding around a product or piece of software. The danger is that marketers, eager to get the most of the exciting new technologies on offer, end up placing a lot of faith in these misconceptions.

Premium, brands and why Mark Twain was wrong
31 March 2014, 12:15PM

ChanelI've been thinking a lot about 'premium' recently. And Mark Twain - he of the "Clothes make the man" adage. Can a brand 'put on' premium like a man puts on clothes and hey presto, it's premium? Or is there something deeper going on?

Are marketers missing a trick with online gaming?
31 March 2014, 11:59AM

The console is dead: The Socialising of gamingTV has always been the mass-market media of choice for brands, providing huge, emotionally engaged audiences across a wide range of content designed to appeal to specific groups. But the way we consume entertainment media has changed dramatically over the passed few years and the TV is no longer the "living room" focal point it once was.

Field Notes: On the road to the truth about European affluence
31 March 2014, 11:40AM

LuxuryOver the course of the past month, I have made several stops on a tour across Europe presenting my team's global report, ‘The Truth about Affluence‘. Throughout the tour, I have partnered with regional thought leaders to develop a keener understanding of the drivers, the barriers, and the values that undergird the lifestyles of affluent individuals in Europe today.

How Karl Lagerfeld is changing the role of technology in fashion
28 March 2014, 8:30AM

KarlLagerfeldKarl Lagerfeld has just opened a new flagship London store and the brand looks to crack the UK marketplace by placing digital at its core. It is laying down a new vision of social shopping by placing iPad minis on clothes rails and iPads in the changing rooms, enabling customers to send a photo of themselves through social networks to seek a second opinion.

Managing the risk of your search engine marketing tactics
28 March 2014, 8:25AM

Photo by hosullivanAlthough you wouldn't immediately think so, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and the popular board game Risk have a lot in common.

In the tactical game of Risk, victory or defeat is based on how the dice are rolled. Offensive and defensive strategies are based on the strength of your army and how many battles you're willing to lose before winning the war on that territory. Similarly, in SEM, victory for online marketing managers is decided on customer behaviour online and the strength of keywords. Just as you would in a game of Risk, online marketing managers must make sacrifices – only in this case they have to ask themselves how much they are prepared to lose in order to occupy a keyword position to win a customer and reach their ROI target.

Now is the time for customer engagement marketing
28 March 2014, 8:15AM

listening to customersIncreasingly companies are seeing the value of what we as customers have to say about them – bad and good. Recent research commissioned by Verint and the Customer Contact Association (CCA)* has found that over two thirds of businesses are making a concerted effort to show consumers they are listening and acting on what consumers say.

Is the digital industry unprepared for further rapid growth?
27 March 2014, 2:20PM

iskills 1Based on last year's performance, 2014 is predicted to be a good year for the UK advertising industry with digital marketing at the forefront of growth. As development in this sector continues, the Emarketeers iSkills survey, has set out to understand what shape the digital marketing industry is in when it comes to skills, experience, resource and recruitment.

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Social media news

The rise of the CMO-CTO partnership
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AWEurope: Mobile marketers attack 'weird' and 'flawed' Apple and Android app stores
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AWEurope: Facebook creative boss Mark D'Arcy on 'uninteresting' platforms and annoying data
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AWEurope: ITV first major UK broadcaster to sign up for Twitter Amplify
by Maisie McCabe, 31 March 2014, 11:15AM
What Facebook's Premium Video Advertising means for brands and users
by Hugh Burrows, 31 March 2014, 10:30AM
Facebook buys UK-based drone company Ascenta to 'beam' internet from the sky
by Matthew Chapman, 28 March 2014, 09:15AM

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