| | Excessive personalisation undermines marketing messages | 01 November 2013, 9:52AM | Delivering a personal and customised user experience that doesn't just tick the boxes, but genuinely exceeds expectations can be a challenge. The way that people feel about how brands approach them can vary dramatically, and it is rapidly changing. In this piece, I will walk you through the research we recently carried out with The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), to demystify the facts on how people really feel about personalisation and customisation. There are interesting findings, particularly in product industries such as finance, travel and media.
| | | Four lessons brands can learn from UGC Christmas trends | 01 November 2013, 9:52AM | Marketers seem to be promoting Christmas earlier and earlier every year. The advent period is traditionally the most popular time for consumer spending and recent research from Experian Marketing has predicted that nearly 50% of retailers are expected to launch their Christmas campaigns before Halloween, with the majority of others releasing theirs in the first two weeks of November.
| | | How to survive the apocalypse | 31 October 2013, 11:11AM | With it being Halloween we thought it would be a good opportunity to give you some handy, new age tips on how to survive a zombie apocalypse, should the event occur. We do know one thing from watching The Walking Dead: there are always rules to survival so here are some of our top 50.
| | | Vampires are over and witches on the rise, says visual trends report | 31 October 2013, 10:36AM | Witches are winning the battle against Vampires in the Visual Trends Report from iStock by Getty Images, drawn up to help designers and marketers tap into the latest trends. The trend for Vampires, backed by the popularity of the ‘Twilight’ film franchise and the ‘True Blood’ and ‘Vampire Diaries’ TV shows, is expected to wane as a new era of witchery dawns.
| | | | | Viral Highlights: Halloween advertising #wins and #fails | 31 October 2013, 10:25AM |  Top Viral Ad Campaigns: With every national holiday comes a barrage of themed ads from marketers hoping to leverage the celebrations to raise the profile of their brand and Halloween is no exception.
| | | The six 'hot seat' factors of a #SocialMediaCrisis | 31 October 2013, 3:58AM | The first time your team experiences a social media crisis can be traumatic. Bombarded with complaints, campaigning and sarcasm from all corners of the social web, teams can find their nerves shredded - crisis preparation a distant memory.
| | | The impact of the cloud on the future of payments | 30 October 2013, 2:15PM | Cloud based payments will most certainly have an impact on the way in which consumers make payments in the near future. The key drivers for pushing payments into the cloud is most certainly time to market, security and consumer adoption.
| | | What brand managers should know about engaging with fashion bloggers | 30 October 2013, 2:05PM | We recently held an event for fashion brands and bloggers to discuss current trends in the industry, and how we as a network can better connect these two groups. From this event, it became clear that the way brands and bloggers are working together is changing fast. As such, we are launching a dedicated programme to explore and push the boundaries of these mutually beneficial connections, ensuring that our brands are continually innovating in this sector. This piece highlights some of the most important points that came out of our event.
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