| | | Is 'learn-as-you-go' creativity the future? John Tylee At a time when most advertising is pretested to within an inch of its life, will the new kind of "suck it and see" approach about to be pioneered by Ogilvy & Mather set creativity free again? | | | | | | | Making diversity the new normal Jane Bloomfield Diversity is more than an internal issue for the advertising business, we also need to embrace it in our day to day work, explains Kantar Millward Brown's head of UK marketing. | | | "Transparency and culture is at the very heart of everything we do" Jenny Biggam Antje Derks, Campaign Content Labs In association with The Trade Desk, we invite the biggest industry names to interview their boundary pushing peers - and pass on the baton, in an interview relay. Jenny Biggam, founder, the7stars, is the latest boundary pusher in our series. Neil Christie, managing director at Weiden + Kennedy, speaks to her... | | | | | |
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