Thursday, 8 November 2012

The Wall > Instagram has its big citizen-journalism moment

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Instagram has its big citizen-journalism moment
08 November 2012, 12:18PM

SuperStorm Sandy gives Instagram its citizen-journalism momentWhat is currently the biggest thing in social media, to which you should really be paying attention? It is always a tough question to answer, even more so this week, in the wake of the US election campaign, in which social media and digital played such a central role to Barack Obama’s re-election.

A guide to the world of Reddit [infographic]
08 November 2012, 11:10AM

Barack Obama does his AMA on RedditReddit bills itself as "the front page of the internet" and has become one of the most popular destinations on the web. We saw a demonstration of that earlier this year when Barack Obama did his “Ask me anything” Reddit interview, which brought the site crashing down.

Why you should link your Google+ account to Adwords
08 November 2012, 9:25AM

If anyone doubts the value of a Google + account for brands, take a look at what Google's social extensions can do for web traffic. Social extensions connect all the +1 recommendations your customers have given you – whether that was on your website, your Google+ page or your ads – and display them in your search results.

YouTube sensation 'baracksdubs' returns with Obama doing MC Hammer
08 November 2012, 8:52AM

President Barack Obama gets ready to boogie to MC HammerFadi Saleh is back with an awesome new “barackdubs” to celebrate the President’s re-election victory. The YouTube phenomenon, created by 19-year old Saleh, has in the past had the president singing and dancing to plenty of tunes including the Obama/Romney duet of Miley Cyrus’ ‘Party In The U.S.A’ and Obama doing Justin Bieber’s ‘Boyfriend’.

Mobile rings the changes for brands like Ebay
08 November 2012, 2:12AM

The news that mobile has doubled its share of advertising and is the fastest growing area of marketing spend in surveys from the US to the UK, Australia to China demonstrates clearly where the industry is going. This is especially true in Asia.

FT expected to be primarily a digital mobile product by 2016
07 November 2012, 3:10PM

The Financial Times, having spent the vast majority of the last 124 years as a printed business newspaper, will soon mainly be consumed on smartphones and tablets, according to digital leader Rob Grimshaw.

Mad men and lousy copywriters: a writing guide for bloggers
07 November 2012, 11:41AM

He's staring at a virgin piece of paper laid out on the desk. His pen hovers over the blank sheet. Stumped, he leans back in his chair with a sigh. Smooths his hair and draws deeply on a cigarette. David Ogilvy, one of the best-known of the Madison Avenue ad men, said he was a "lousy copywriter". "If all else fails, I drink half a bottle of rum and play a Handel oratorio on the gramophone," he told one correspondent who asked for the recipe for good writing. "This generally produces an uncontrollable gush of copy. The next morning I get up early and edit the gush. "

How US election night played out online
07 November 2012, 11:29AM

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama embrace Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden moments after the television networks called the election in their favor.In the early hours of this morning President Barack Obama declared he had won a second term. On Twitter. “Four more years”, he Tweeted. As Editor Gordon Macmillan pointed out, this has become the most shared Tweet in history, and marks a watershed moment for the platform.

Using video to drive social media
07 November 2012, 10:27AM

People’s trust in traditional media is declining, with recommendations from friends, social media and blogs becoming key influencers of a purchasing decision. This, along with the SEO benefits, has meant brands are increasingly seeing social media as a vital channel.

The Obama Road to Victory: digital lessons from the US election campaign
07 November 2012, 9:55AM
While the 2008 campaign was dubbed the first social-media election, in 2012 social is ubiquitous and much has changed. It is no longer the preserve of the young and the connected. Now, it belongs, increasingly, to everyone, but what lessons are there to learn?

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