Six reasons why Buzzfeed has killed the list (the last list you'll ever need to read) | 11 September 2013, 11:30AM | Before I have my eyes gouged out by a mob of angry list-lovers, I'd just like to preface this blog post with one thing: I am one of you! I too sleep peacefully at night with a little grin on my chops when I have categorised every last bit of my day into a wonderful, succinct catalogue of list-based joy. Which is why I felt compelled to write this post as an indictment against all the bloggers committing heinous crimes against my very favourite organisational format. And number one among the accused is Buzzfeed.
| | | How traditional ad techniques continue to influence the digital landscape | 11 September 2013, 11:00AM | Lately, I've heard lots of talk in our industry about how digital advertisers are beginning to really take a look back at traditional methods and apply them to their work. Why do I say this? Because the online advertising landscape is so cluttered and crammed with messaging, coming at consumers from all angles. As an industry we are beginning to realise that the good old days of clean cut and simple messaging are sorely longed for.
| | | British reserve, the smartphone, and an advertiser's dream | 11 September 2013, 10:15AM | I had reason to browse Debrett's Everyday Etiquette website recently, and found myself drawn to what I felt was an unexpected entry to link with etiquette: 'reserve'. Us Brits are renowned for our reserve, refusing to 'make a drama out of a crisis'. The example Debrett's describes so beautifully is '[submitting] to terrible service with weary stoicism'. How true. Sigh.
| | | | | | | The rise of flexible working in the UK: infographic | 10 September 2013, 9:00AM | That more and more people are working flexibly is no surprise. It’s long been predicted as the way of the future, but here are some stats showing how it not only improves the lives of the people who are allowed to have more say over where and when they work, but also that businesses benefit.
| | | | | Can makers target new drinks brands with free 3D packaging design app | 09 September 2013, 1:00PM | Here’s an interesting example of a marketing-driven app that offers real value to the user as well as promoting the cause of the client: it’s the world’s first free 3D drinks can design programme, which makes it easy for designers to visualise and share creations.
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