Tuesday, 3 September 2013

The Wall > Could we become a cashless society?

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Could we become a cashless society?
03 September 2013, 12:20PM

mobile payment payments cashless contactlessCould the UK become a cashless society? It is certainly something I would like to see in place sooner than the predicted 20 years tipping point. In my view, we will see a more rapid adoption over the next five years than we have ever seen before. The fact is; technology and consumer behaviour is evolving more now than it has done over the last 50 years and that trend is only set to accelerate further and faster than ever before.

How Raspberry Pi is changing the game for creatives and clients
03 September 2013, 10:34AM

Imagination_Shell_Eco-marathon (18)Since its release in 2012, the Raspberry Pi has become a Great British innovation success story, selling over million units in its first 12 months, and even sitting alongside the likes of Sir Ranulph Fiennes and will.i.am as a cover star on Wired magazine.

Can I hitch a ride on the Oxbridge crowdfunding bandwagon?
03 September 2013, 10:10AM

bandwagon band wagonThe 'Not so Secret E-Commerce Entrepreneur' continues... It's incredible that Pret a Manger's™ founders Sinclair Beecham and Julian Metcalf started their company way back in 1986; "with no money". Yet Pret was sold in 2008 for £345 million to Bridgepoint Capital.

How much longer until digital publishing vanquishes the guidebook: infographic
03 September 2013, 9:00AM

baedekerA friend whose job is marketing a long-established brand of travel guide occasionally gives me dismal updates on the state of the market, and we wonder how much longer the imprint will exist (she also works on ebooks and digital publishing, so I don’t fear for her job).

Golden Wonder celebrate Gareth Bale, as #transferdeadlineday cut-off looms
02 September 2013, 3:30PM

BALEOFF3Last night Tottenham Hotspur and Real Madrid confirmed that Gareth Bale had become the world’s most expensive footballer, as he signed for the Spanish club for £86.2 million. The footballing saga that had run on for much of the summer had finally come to end.

Online shopping doesn't mean the end of packaging as we know it
02 September 2013, 8:35AM

bubble wrap packagingOver a decade ago, a dire prediction was made, that online shopping would mean the end of packaging as we know it. While that prediction was grossly inaccurate - and the package design industry has continued to flourish – online shopping has grown tremendously and now accounts for roughly $145 billion in the U.S. alone.

Harnessing the opportunities of global growth
02 September 2013, 8:15AM

global globalisation international map worldOnline global growth is a tricky thing, especially in the face of many well-documented recent examples of failure. But with global communications and digital media helping to break down communication barriers, now seems a better time than any to consider an expansion.

Are chief marketing officers taking over IT departments?
30 August 2013, 1:54PM

marketing technology word cloudA few years ago, Chief Marketing Officers would not have envisaged how fundamentally technology would change not only their profession but also the skills required to do the job. Marketing departments have always had to marry creativity with a keen analytical mind, but the enabling technology was very much the domain of the IT departments. Traditionally, there was always a clear distinction between the IT department and the end-users of IT in almost every organisation. Apart from running odd complex database queries to create target lists, there was really no need for most marketeers to understand how technology platforms worked.

Donating your data: charities embracing web technologies to fuel new donation drive
30 August 2013, 9:54AM

Cancer Research UK logoSince 2007, charitable donations across the globe have been on the decline. According to the most recent UK Giving report published by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), the estimated total amount donated to charity by adults in 2011/12 was £9.3 billion. Compared to 2010/11, this is a decrease of £2.3 billion in real terms, after adjusting for inflation.

Why TV advertisers should embrace the second screen
30 August 2013, 9:48AM

PeopleWatchingTVWith 75 – 85% of viewers using second screen devices while they watched TV in 2012 and a growing percentage of viewers watching TV in a non-linear fashion, advertisers are understandably concerned that eyeballs are moving away from their content. Gone are the days where we have to sit through ad breaks waiting for our favourite show to come back on; instead, we're either fast forwarding through the commercials, or turning to our phone or tablet to keep us occupied while the ads - and of course, the shows themselves – run.

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