Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Media PM - The Guardian, Channel 4, Super Bowl 2014, My Media Week, MediaCom

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Media PM Bulletin
05th February 2014
Guardian on track to report strong revenue growth  
Guardian on track to report strong revenue growth
Guardian News & Media, publisher of The Guardian and The Observers newsbrands, is on track to reveal strong revenue growth for its full year to the end of March, fuelled by its expanding digital operations.
Channel 4 reaches 10m registered users  
Channel 4 reaches 10m registered users
Channel 4 reports its viewer database has reached more than 10 million registered viewers, including half of all 16- to 24 year-olds in the UK.
Super Bowl 2014 and the rise of the social newsroom  
Super Bowl 2014 and the rise of the social newsroom
The Super Bowl used to be about the battle of advertising budgets, now it's a war of the social newsrooms, a new environment full of promise for plucky challenger brands, says Carat's managing director, Matthew Hook.
My Media Week: Eric Newnham  
My Media Week: Eric Newnham
This week, Eric Newnham, chief executive at Talon Outdoor, previews digital taxi ads thatl change according to location, explores OOH in retail and trains for a Cambodian charity biking adventure
MediaCom launches iLab UK with Treliving and Cooper  
MediaCom launches iLab UK with Treliving and Cooper
MediaCom is extending iLab, its specialist digital performance brand, across its entire UK network, and has named Sarah Treliving and Paul Cooper as joint managing directors of the unit.
Mark Middlemas joins RadiumOne  
Mark Middlemas joins RadiumOne
Former IPG Mediabrands' director, Mark Middlemas, has become the director of communications, UK & Europe at advertising technology company, RadiumOne.
MediaCom develops its content arm under Morris  
MediaCom develops its content arm under Morris
The global head of MediaCom Beyond Advertising tells Louise Ridley about enhancing client relationships through content.
WPP trading juggernaut comes under scrutiny  
WPP trading juggernaut comes under scrutiny
The decision to merge Xaxis with 24/7 Media may raise some tough questions over transparency, Maisie McCabe writes.
Is Sky's AdSmart service really a game-changer?  
Is Sky's AdSmart service really a game-changer?
Will the new ad offering actually attract fresh advertisers or result in traditional brands spending less, Arif Durrani asks.
The planning community needs to assert itself more to get brands to act  
The planning community needs to assert itself more to get brands to act
The humble bus remains one of the best ways to reach an urban audience  
The humble bus remains one of the best ways to reach an urban audience
Forget the Year of the Horse - London's mayor, Boris Johnson, this week declared 2014 to be the "Year of the Bus" in the capital. A clear threat in the glamour stakes to Rio's World Cup.
Outdoor hopes big data is key to success in 2014  
Outdoor hopes big data is key to success in 2014
Brands are complementing insights gained from Route with their own data for precision-targeting. By David Benady.
Latest blogs
Facebook's enduring power 10 years on...  
Facebook's enduring power 10 years on...
For a company recently compared to a virus, Facebook itself is apparently none too healthy.
Programmatic buying needs to grow up  
Programmatic buying needs to grow up
Programmatic buying has been the talk of the ad tech town for the past few years.
IMterview: What is Facebook Paper and what will it mean for its raft of other apps?  
IMterview: What is Facebook Paper and what will it mean for its raft of other apps?
Paul and Darika, the 'Trinny and Susannah' of digital marketing, look at the launch of Facebook's Paper ahead of the social network's ten year anniversary tomorrow.
What the shake-up at the Telegraph reveals about the new publisher landscape  
What the shake-up at the Telegraph reveals about the new publisher landscape
The announcement this week regarding the departure of Daily Telegraph editor Tony Gallagher has sent reverberations around the world of online publishing and digital marketing.
How the teen exodus could save Facebook  
How the teen exodus could save Facebook
The ageing profile of the average Facebook user confirms the site is successfully opening up the world's most affluent consumers.
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