Major flaws in Conservative, Labour and Lib Dem digital campaigns | @gordonmacmillan | 03 May 2012, 2:33PM | A report out today, timed to coincide with the local and London Mayoral elections, has found major flaws in the digital campaigns of the man parties. All three appear to have fallen back from the kind of work and activity that was evident in the 2010 General election. | |
How to get the most from your sharing widget? | Rupert Staines | 03 May 2012, 10:52AM | It's rare to visit any website today and not be met with an array of social widgets, whether it's a button linking to a Facebook or Twitter page or something which enables site visitors to comment, like, share and bookmark across a wide variety of social media platforms. Social widgets typically allow users to share directly from publishers. While this increases their distribution of content and helps generate web-traffic, the benefits are often one-sided. | |
The incredible shrinking Yahoo [infographic] | Polly Becker | 02 May 2012, 12:56PM | Do you remember Yahoo when it was this internet pioneer? When we all visited the site and had Yahoo email addresses? Those were the days! Yahoo is now a shadow of its former self a this infographic details. | |
Do you want to hide your social posts? Meet Scrambls it encrypt posts to social networks | @gordonmacmillan | 02 May 2012, 9:57AM | A new social media service launches today called Scrambls which allows users to encrypt posts to Facebook, Twitter and any other websites essentially creating secure personal sharing across social networks. It taps into the concern that many have about privacy particularly when it comes to Facebook. It will be interesting to see if this gains any traction and whether social network users do start hiding their posts from the wider world. | |
Zuckerberg sets Facebook IPO for May 18 as its trumpets mobile growth | @gordonmacmillan | 02 May 2012, 7:49AM | It is being reported that Facebook will begin its investor roadshow for its initial public on Monday, which means that its shares should begin trading on May 18. The roadshow will see founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg closely involved, according to sources quoted by Reuters. To date he has been mostly in the background as the IPO has progressed and did not attend an analysts’ meeting in March. | |
When and how to build a blog network | Simon John | 01 May 2012, 1:44PM | The power of bloggers is unquestioned in social communications despite recent alarmist articles stating blogging is dead. For brands, engaging with bloggers to listen to feedback on their products or services, review what they think of them online and even recommend them to their peers, is a holy grail of marketing. | |
2012 London Mayoral Election - social media overview [infographic] | @gordonmacmillan | 01 May 2012, 11:20AM | The 2012 London mayoral election is less than a week away and social channels have played a large role in this campaign with both Boris Johnson and Ken Livingstone’s teams making good use of it as have other candidates such as Jenny Jones from the Green’s. | |
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