Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Media AM - Google, Mail Online, Sky, Northern & Shell, Tesco Hudl

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Media AM Bulletin
05th February 2014
Google clamps down on 'fraudulent' YouTube video views  
Google clamps down on 'fraudulent' YouTube video views
Google has declared war on fake viewing figures for YouTube videos, with plans to audit figures to help prevent what it calls "fraudulent views".
Mail Online reports £14m ad revenues in last quarter  
Mail Online reports £14m ad revenues in last quarter
DMG Media has reported that digital ad revenues for Mail Online increased by £5 million (48%) to £14 million in the last quarter, more than offsetting the £1 million drop in print ads at the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday.
Sky broadens TalkTalk deal with sports day passes  
Sky broadens TalkTalk deal with sports day passes
Satellite broadcaster BSkyB has broadened its partnership with pay-TV group TalkTalk to offer live Sky sports channels on a pay-per-day basis as part of a new three-year content sharing deal.
Northern & Shell restructures and expands its commercial team  
Northern & Shell restructures and expands its commercial team
Northern & Shell, home to Express Newspapers, Daily Star, OK! Magazine, New and Star, is restructuring its 55-strong sales team to integrate print and digital operations and create new roles.
Tesco Hudl TV ad 'encouraging cruelty to animals' escapes ban  
Tesco Hudl TV ad 'encouraging cruelty to animals' escapes ban
A TV and online ad for Tesco tablet Hudl showing two boys laughing at a video of a cat misjudging a leap between two roofs has escaped the censure of the Advertising Standards Authority.
MediaCom develops its content arm under Morris  
MediaCom develops its content arm under Morris
The global head of MediaCom Beyond Advertising tells Louise Ridley about enhancing client relationships through content.
Is Sky's AdSmart service really a game-changer?  
Is Sky's AdSmart service really a game-changer?
Will the new ad offering actually attract fresh advertisers or result in traditional brands spending less, Arif Durrani asks.
The humble bus remains one of the best ways to reach an urban audience  
The humble bus remains one of the best ways to reach an urban audience
Forget the Year of the Horse - London's mayor, Boris Johnson, this week declared 2014 to be the "Year of the Bus" in the capital. A clear threat in the glamour stakes to Rio's World Cup.
Outdoor hopes big data is key to success in 2014  
Outdoor hopes big data is key to success in 2014
Brands are complementing insights gained from Route with their own data for precision-targeting. By David Benady.
WPP trading juggernaut comes under scrutiny  
WPP trading juggernaut comes under scrutiny
The decision to merge Xaxis with 24/7 Media may raise some tough questions over transparency, Maisie McCabe writes.
No Olympic blues for outdoor, as sector grows 2% in 2013  
No Olympic blues for outdoor, as sector grows 2% in 2013
Ongoing investment in digital outdoor sites has helped the sector to build on the highs of the London 2012 Olympics and achieve unexpected growth of 2% in 2013.
Bauer aims to tap into boom in native ads with Debrief launch  
Bauer aims to tap into boom in native ads with Debrief launch
Bauer Media has launched The Debrief, a multi-platform brand for 20-something women, funded primarily by native advertising.
Latest blogs
Facebook's enduring power 10 years on...  
Facebook's enduring power 10 years on...
For a company recently compared to a virus, Facebook itself is apparently none too healthy.
Programmatic buying needs to grow up  
Programmatic buying needs to grow up
Programmatic buying has been the talk of the ad tech town for the past few years.
IMterview: What is Facebook Paper and what will it mean for its raft of other apps?  
IMterview: What is Facebook Paper and what will it mean for its raft of other apps?
Paul and Darika, the 'Trinny and Susannah' of digital marketing, look at the launch of Facebook's Paper ahead of the social network's ten year anniversary tomorrow.
What the shake-up at the Telegraph reveals about the new publisher landscape  
What the shake-up at the Telegraph reveals about the new publisher landscape
The announcement this week regarding the departure of Daily Telegraph editor Tony Gallagher has sent reverberations around the world of online publishing and digital marketing.
How the teen exodus could save Facebook  
How the teen exodus could save Facebook
The ageing profile of the average Facebook user confirms the site is successfully opening up the world's most affluent consumers.
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